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Awards and Scholarships

Awards & Scholarships

Everyone loves awards and 4-H offers a lot of them. In the beginning, it’s stickers in your record book but soon you’ll find yourself earning county level medals, awards, trips, and scholarships. Keeping records of your 4-H projects, activities, and volunteerism in the official Record Book is required to qualify for Record Book Awards, Member Evaluation Form Trip Awards and Trip Scholarship, and College Scholarships.
JUMP TO: Record Book Awards | Member Evaluation Form Trip Awards and Trip Scholarship | College Scholarships | Workshop/Conference Scholarship.
Record Book Awards
To receive record book awards, youth must keep a 4-H Record Book and submit it to their Club Leader for review. The Club leader reviews the Record Book and submits the awards form and Record Book to the Extension Waukesha County 4-H Office by the deadline. Record books are reviewed by the 4-H Awards Committee.
Spark Award
K5 & Up
Criteria: Attended club general meetings • Turned in a Record Book • Exhibited at County Fair • Told a friend about 4-H • Tried something new in 4-H • Participated in at least one community service • Participated in at least one 4-H promotional activity • Participated in at least three club or county activities • Participated in at least one 4-H fundraising activity • Participated in at least one non-4-H activity
Bronze Medal
4th Grade & Up
Criteria: Attended at least one half of club general meetings • Turned in a Record Book • Exhibited at County Fair or similar event • Completed at least five hours of community service • Participated in at least five 4-H promotional activities • Participated in at least five club activities • Participated in at least five county or state 4-H activities • Participated in at least five 4-H fundraising activities • Completed at least one 4-H presentation • Completed at least one 4-H leadership role • Participated in at least five non-4-H activities
Silver Medal
5th Grade & Up
Criteria: Attended at least one half of club general meetings • Previously received the Bronze Medal • Turned in a Record Book • Exhibited at County Fair or similar event • Received at least one Project Medal • Completed at least 15 hours of community service • Participated in at least 10 4-H promotional activities • Participated in at least 15 club activities • Participated in at least 10 county or state 4-H activities • Participated in at least 10 4-H fundraising activities • Completed at least five 4-H presentations • Completed at least five 4-H leadership roles • Participated in at least 10 non-4-H activities
Gold Medal
8th Grade & Up
Criteria: Attended at least one half of club general meetings • Previously received the Silver Medal • Turned in a Record Book • Exhibited at County Fair or similar event • Received at least three project medals • Completed at least 30 hours of community service • Participated in at least 15 4-H promotional activities • Participated in at least 30 club activities • Participated in at least 20 county or state 4-H activities • Participated in at least 20 4-H fundraising activities • Completed at least 10 4-H presentations • Completed at least 10 4-H leadership roles • Participated in at least 20 non-4-H activities
Project Medal
6th Grade & Up
Criteria: Turned in a Record Book this year • Currently enrolled in 4-H Online in this project this year • Exhibited at County Fair or similar event • Completed at least one demonstration in this project • Completed at least three leadership activities in this project • Exhibited at state fair or other state, national or regional competition OR Received at least one special award in this project (Champion, Reserve Champion, Merit, etc.)
Project Honors
7th Grade & Up
Criteria: Turned in a Record Book this year • Currently enrolled in 4-H Online in this project this year • Previously received a project medal in this project • Exhibited at County Fair or similar event • Completed at least one demonstration in this project • Completed at least three leadership activities in this project • Exhibited at state fair or other state, national or regional competition OR Received at least one special award in this project (Champion, Reserve Champion, Merit, etc.)
Achievement Medal
Completed 9th Grade
Criteria: Attended at least one half of club general meetings this year • Turned in a Record Book this year • Exhibited at County Fair or similar event at least five years • Exhibited at state fair or other state, national or regional competition • Received at least seven special project awards (Champion, Reserve Champion, Merit, etc.) • Received at least six project medals or project honors • Completed project leadership or growth
Citizenship Medal
Completed 9th Grade
Criteria: Attended at least one half of club general meetings this year • Turned in a Record Book this year • Completed at least 50 hours of community service • Organized, promoted, and implemented at least one major 4-H community service activity
Leadership Medal
Completed 10th Grade
Criteria: Attended at least one half of club general meetings this year • Turned in a Record Book • Completed at four 4-H leadership roles • Participated in at least 10 club or county committees • Participated in at least four county level leadership roles • Participated in at least 10 4-H promotional activities • Organized, promoted, and implemented at least one new idea to improve 4-H
Member Evaluation (ME) Form Trip Awards and Trip Scholarships
The application for these awards and opportunities is done through one application process. The application includes a resume, cover letter, essay, and recommendation from an adult. An in-person interview will also be conducted. Trip scholarships referenced below are provided by the Waukesha County 4-H Leaders’ Association.
Space Camp
6th – 8th Grade
Delegates team up for hands-on mock space missions and other STEM activities in this NASA Program while exchanging ideas with 4-H youth from across Wisconsin.
Criteria: First Year ME Form required. Awards and Scholarship committee will offer up to two scholarships currently covers 60% of trip cost. Camp usually held in April. NOTE: max age 15 at time of program.
Summer Academy
8th – 11th Grade
Approximately 400 youth attend this pre-college program in Madison, WI each summer. Participants take part in educational seminars and assemblies and meet people from across Wisconsin. They are encouraged to take what they learn and share it with others in their communities
Criteria: First Year ME Form required if this is members first ME experience, Regular ME form required if member has been to Space Camp or State Conference. Member may be selected to receive scholarship to State Youth Conference two years. Awards and Scholarship committee will offer up to 10 scholarships currently covering 60% of conference cost. Conference usually held in June. Conference requires participant be in 7th – 10th grade at registration in fall/winter.
American Spirit Trip
8th – 10th Grade
American Spirit East provides the opportunity for youth to experience history and heritage through a 10day bus journey to the East Coast! Participants will increase their knowledge of American history while experiencing where it occurred, have dynamic exposure to diverse cultural experiences and perspectives of the foundation of our nation, and further develop skills in leadership and personal expression of values.
Criteria: Regular ME Form required. Awards and Scholarship committee will select up to 2 scholarships, which currently covers 60% of trip cost. Trip usually offered in June or July. Trip requires participant be in 8th – 10th grade at time of program.
Citizenship Washington Focus
10th – 12th Grade
Approximately 90 Wisconsin youth attend this leadership program held at the National 4-H Center in Washington, D.C. Participants learn the importance of civic and social responsibilities as they relate to the development of better citizens and leaders. The week consists of participatory workshops, speakers, committee work, field trips, and social events.
Criteria: Regular ME Form required. Awards and Scholarship committee will offer up to 6 scholarships currently covering 60% of trip. Trip usually offered in June or July. Minimum age of 15 during program.
National 4-H Congress
10th – 12th Grade
Delegates participate in self-development seminars, tours, and perform community service while exchanging ideas with youth from across the country
Criteria: Regular ME Form required. Awards and Scholarship committee will offer up to 2 scholarships currently covering 60% of trip. Congress usually held in November, the year following receipt of the scholarship nomination. Congress requires that participant be in 10th – 12th grade at time of participation AND maximum age 18 on Jan 1 of program year.
National 4-H Conference
10th – 12th Grade
Eight to ten youth are selected to attend this working civic conference held at the National 4-H Center in Washington, D.C. Each delegate selects an issue and collaborates with youth from across the county in an effort to help better direct future 4-H programming. Delegates spend the majority of time contributing to stimulating, task-oriented groups. One day is spent on Capitol Hill meeting with Wisconsin legislators.
Criteria: Regular ME Form required. Awards and Scholarship committee will select up to 2 scholarships currently covering 60% of trip. NOTE: Being awarded this scholarship from the county does NOT guarantee selection by the State. The State selects 8 members statewide to attend. Conference usually offered in April. Conference requires that participant minimum age is 15 and max age 18 on Jan 1 of program year.
Key Award
12th – 13th Grade
Criteria: Regular ME Form required. County will select up to six members.
Danforth Award
12th – 13th Grade
Criteria: Regular ME Form required. County will select up to two members.
College Scholarship from Waukesha County 4-H Leaders Association
The Waukesha County 4-H Leaders’ Association offers scholarships for higher education. Applications are accepted annually from 12th graders and those one year out of high school. Applications are evaluated by a selection committee based on: 20% Scholastic Achievement, 40% 4-H Club Achievement, 20% 4-H County Achievement, 10% 4-H State & National Achievement and 10% for Community and non 4-H Achievement. Qualified applications will receive a scholarship award from $100 to a maximum of $1000. Actual amount is proportional to the evaluation results.
College Scholarship
12th – 13th Grade
Criteria: Member must fill out the scholarship application and submit to 4-H office by April 30th. Record Book must be completed and submitted to 4-H office (late August).
College Scholarship from Wisconsin 4-H Foundation
The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation awards higher education scholarships to students based on demonstrated personal growth through 4-H, development and leadership in 4-H, academic performance and future educational goals.
To be eligible for Wisconsin 4-H Foundation scholarships students must have been a Wisconsin 4-H member for at least three years; should have a grade point average of at least 2.5 on a 4.0 scale, and be enrolled or planning to enroll at a university, college or technical school the following academic school year.
Workshop/Conference Scholarship from Waukesha County 4-H Leader’s Association
This scholarship program is open to all members and volunteers of the Extension Waukesha County 4-H Program who are enrolled in 4-H Online and approved.
Submit Part 1 of the application at least 30 days prior to attendance at workshop. Part 2 must be submitted within 30 days after attending workshop to be eligible for reimbursement.
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Extension Waukesha County * University of Wisconsin-Madison
515 W Moreland Boulevard * Administration Center Room G22 * Waukesha, WI 53188
Office Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday * Phone: (262) 548-7770
Extension Waukesha County is located in the Administration Center of the Waukesha County Courthouse Complex. Enter through the main Courthouse doors. After going through security, take the corridor on the left to the the Administration Center. Take the elevators or stairs to the ground floor and go to room G22.