Youth Leadership



4-H Youth Leadership

Youth leadership opportunities in 4-H are available at the club level as Club Officers, at the County level by serving on the Teen Council, and at the State level.

JUMP TO: Club Officers | Teen Council | State Opportunities

Being a Club Officer provides a special leadership opportunity and a great learning experience. Club Officers work to ensure your club has a successful 4-H year and each role and responsibility is of great importance! 

  • President: 
    • Presides at meetings
    • Gets room ready and begins meetings on time
    • Arranges for Vice President to preside at meetings when necessary
    • Asks for volunteers
    • Works with members and volunteers to plan programs
    • Meets with leaders and other officers to plan programs
    • Casts deciding vote in case of tie
    • For more information please read So you’re the club President (created by Michigan 4-H)
  • Vice President:
    • Presides at meetings when president is absent
    • Handles other jobs in club (presides as a chair of committee)
    • For more information please read So you’re the club Vice President (created by Michigan 4-H)
  • Secretary
    • Keeps minutes of all club meetings (written record of what is done and said)
    • Maintains a list of all members and calls roll
    • Reads any correspondence
    • Writes any club correspondence
    • For more information please read So you’re the club Secretary (created by Michigan 4-H)
    • Use the 4-H Secretary Book to keep your records – at the end of the year, turn your secretary book in to the Extension office with your club’s charter.
  • Treasurer
    • Attend mandatory treasurer training
    • Receives and keeps a record of money in the 4-H club treasury
    • Responsible for depositing money in the club account
    • Pays out approved money for the club
    • For more information please read So you’re the club Treasurer (created by Michigan 4-H)
    • Treasurer’s Club Financial Record (Online version of a checkbook register to make completing the Annual Financial report easier.) (You will need to make a copy in order to use it)
  • Club News Reporter

Teen Council is the county 4-H leadership organization for teen 4-H members from any club. Its purpose is to help teen 4-H’ers develop leadership, organizational and life skills, while helping to build a strong, county 4-H program that benefits all members and volunteers. Teen Council members meet monthly to plan and implement 4-H educational programs, as well as community service and social activities.

The Teen Council is responsible for planning and implementing several countywide field trips and activities in our county. They learn to use brainstorming skills, build consensus in decision making, use Who/What/ When tables in planning, and communication skills and designing flyers in promoting the events. They learn about the finances of planning an event and coordinating with the facilities. These activities not only help bring our clubs from around the county to have fun, but it is also a great educational opportunity as well.

The teen council members also serve as 4-H Ambassadors, giving speeches at countywide 4-H events, attending the Open House and other events throughout the year. Towards the beginning of each year, the teen council members learn to write a 4-H elevator speech, so they are prepared to promote 4-H on the spot when needed. Some members are selected for the opportunity to give more formal speeches at other events like our county awards banquet.

The Teen Council meets monthly on the 3rd Saturday from 4:30-6:30 pm.

  • Membership: Any Extension Waukesha County 4-H member from any club, age 13 and up, is eligible to apply to the 4-H Teen Council. Members must commit to attend at least 75% of monthly meetings and activities. Membership runs September- August of each year.
  • Leadership Skills: Brainstorming, Coming to Consensus, Conflict Resolution, Team Building, Resume writing, Responsibility, opportunities to attend 4-H conferences, Take turns representing youth on the Leaders Association Board
  • 4-H Ambassadors: Marketing, Promotions, Public Speaking, Media Relations, Recruitment, Videos, Motivating Others
  • Project Management Skills: Plan countywide 4-H activities and field trips, fundraising, community service, and social activities.

There are a variety of leadership opportunities available at the state level of 4-H in Wisconsin. Please note that there are fees associated with participation. Need-based Statewide Scholarships are available for State Educational Experiences, which are made possible through donations to the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation. You can find more information and apply for a State scholarship here. There may be funding assistance available from the 4-H Leaders’ Association that you can apply for on the Awards & Scholarships page.

  • Arts Team Youth Position: The WI 4-H Art Team is a leadership experience for youth leaders eager to learn more about leadership in the visual arts and crafts.  As a member of the Art Team, team members plan the Summer Academy Art Exhibit (displaying artwork of 4-H members from throughout the state and creating art to develop the theme of conference through the visual arts) . Participants will have the opportunity to explore visual arts in different settings and through different educational experiences.  Team member will also help plan and lead a Summer Academy and Fall Forum Seminar; teaching and sharing different art activities that delegates can share in their local communities.
  • Citizenship Washington Focus: Citizenship Washington Focus, or CWF for short, is the premier week long 4-H citizenship and leadership experience. CWF brings 4-H delegations from all over the country to stay in Washington D.C., our Nation’s Capital! Participants learn about the roles of Senators and Representatives in the United States’ government and how these parts work together to form an effective Congress. Additionally, youth get to see and experience government in action by meeting with their State’s members of Congress and watching a House of Representatives meeting.
  • Fall Forum: Fall Forum is an opportunity for youth in grades 7-13 and adult leaders to attend the statewide training weekend with county and state staff. Planned by a team of youth and adult volunteers from the Wisconsin 4-H Leadership Council with the support of county and state staff, our hope is that 4-H youth and adult leaders will come together to connect, collaborate, celebrate, and continue building excitement and energy for a new year of 4-H learning.
  • National 4-H Conference: National 4-H Conference annually brings 4-H youth and adults from around the nation to work towards strengthening and expanding the 4-H Youth Development program at the local, state, and national levels. National 4-H Conference is the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture’s premier youth development opportunity to engage youth in developing recommendations for the 4-H Youth Development Program. The National 4-H Headquarters is charged with sharing the recommendations that emerge from the conference with the Secretary of Agriculture, National Extension Program Leaders, and others who determine 4-H programs. At the same time, the conference is a rich and meaningful experience for the youth and adult participants. Held at a Washington DC area hotel (Hyatt Regency in Arlington, VA), it’s usually scheduled around the beginning of April. In 2019, there were approximately 350 delegates, including seven from Wisconsin.
  • Youth as Partners in Civic Leadership: The mission of the Youth as Partners in Civic Leadership Conference (YPCL) is to advance youth voice in Wisconsin by increasing the capacity for youth and adults to share civic leadership in local communities, schools and organizations. We advocate for a youth voice and build mentoring, networking and learning opportunities.
  • WI 4-H Leadership Council: The Wisconsin 4-H Leadership Council (WLC) provides a statewide forum for youth and adult volunteer leaders to discuss ideas and provide input to enhance UW-Madison Extension 4-H Youth Development programs at the state, county, and local levels.


Extension Waukesha County * University of Wisconsin-Madison
515 W Moreland Boulevard  * Administration Center Room G22  * Waukesha, WI 53188 
Office Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday  * Phone: (262) 548-7770  

Extension Waukesha County is located in the Administration Center of the Waukesha County Courthouse Complex. Enter through the main Courthouse doors. After going through security, take the corridor on the left to the the Administration Center. Take the elevators or stairs to the ground floor and go to room G22.


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