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4-H Activities

Waukesha County 4-H Activities
- 4-H Summer Camp – This is a four day/three night camp for 4-H members ages 9 and up. Camp is normally held at the end of July or the beginning of August.
- Performing Arts Day / Talent Show – 4-H members and clubs perform skits, plays, and musicals. The performances are critiqued by judges. This event usually takes place in the spring.
- Volleyball Tournament – 4-H members from all clubs can participate in the volleyball tournament. Members are separated by age and skill level. This event is offered by the Waukesha County 4-H Leaders Association Promotions & Activities Committee.
- Waukesha County 4-H Project Nights – Held several times per year, Project Nights are designed to increase youth participation and provide opportunities to explore their Spark (interests). Activities and projects are offered throughout the 4-H calendar year at the Waukesha County Expo Center. Mark your calendar for the 2025 Project Nights:
- February 12, 2025
- February 26, 2025
- March 26, 2025
- April 16, 2025
- April 23, 2025
- May 7, 2025
- May 21, 2025
If interested in leading an activity or project at a Waukesha County 4-H Project Night, contact James Boling at james.boling@wisc.edu.
State Level Activities / Teams / Trips
Communication Arts
Art Beat!
Art Beat! is the introductory program for Wisconsin 4-H expressive arts and was created for 4-H members in grades 3-5, their parents and leaders. Art BEAT! provides an opportunity for youth and their parents to experience different art forms in a camping environment at the Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center in Wisconsin Dells. Art BEAT! Track leaders are older 4-H Youth, 4-H Adult Leaders, and staff. The event offers a taste of several arts projects including music, visual arts, communication, and more!
Arts Ambassadors
Arts Ambassadors will learn about leadership, interpersonal skills and how to promote the 4-H Expressive Arts. By applying for any of the Arts teams you are also applying to be a part of this new state group, while still getting to focus on your art spark. Drama, Visual Arts & Communication/Media will all be part of the AA program.
Arts Camp
4-H Arts Camp provides youth in grades 6-8 an opportunity to explore different types of art including theater, music, visual arts, dance, and photography while making new friends, developing skills, and enjoying new experiences.
Arts Team
The WI Arts Team is a leadership experience for youth eager to learn more about leadership in the visual arts and crafts. As a member of the Art Team, team members plan the Summer Academy Art Exhibit (displaying artwork of 4-H members from throughout the state and creating art to develop the theme of conference through the visual arts) . Participants will have the opportunity to explore visual arts in different settings and through different educational experiences. Team member will also help plan and lead a Summer Academy and Fall Forum Seminar; teaching and sharing different art activities that delegates can share in their local communities.
Communications & Media Team
On the Communication & Media Team, youth work with education, media/news and marketing professionals to promote Wisconsin 4-H. The Team will be together during a spring planning weekend and Summer Academy where they will build their understanding of graphic design, photography, social media, and journalism while promoting Wisconsin 4-H.
Drama Company
Communication & Media Team youth will work with education, Media/News and Marketing professionals to promote Wisconsin 4-H. The Team will be together during a spring planning weekend and Summer Academy where they will build their understanding of graphic design, photography, social media, and journalism while promoting Wisconsin 4-H.
Career Exploration
Summer Academy
The Summer Academy helps youth discover pathways to their future! During the conference, youth will experience life in a residence hall, learn about higher education options, speak with professionals about future careers, and engage in personal exploration. Youth will have the opportunity to choose from various career tracks as well as have fun opportunities to build networks and friendships with folks from across the state of Wisconsin.
Dairy & Animal Science
Area Animal Science Days
Area Animal Science Days is a series of day-long events held around the state in June where youth in the beef, dairy, horse, sheep, and swine projects increase their decision-making skills and knowledge of animals through judging and grading experiences. Events include dairy cattle evaluation; livestock (beef, sheep, swine, & meat goats) evaluation; oral reasons contests for senior members; and dairy showmanship contests . In addition, each site may offer a variety of workshops like poster and photography contests or horse judging activities.
Dairy Quiz Bowl
The Dairy Bowl is a “quiz bowl” competition where all questions deal with dairy topics. Competition in the 4-H Dairy Bowl encourages a 4-H member to develop a more complete knowledge of dairy animals and related subjects. This contest provides an educational dairy program for all dairy project members, including those who may not own a dairy project animal, and provides a way to develop alertness, self-confidence, teamwork skills, and mastery in the area of dairy science.
State Dairy Judging Contest
Dairy Judging provides an excellent opportunity for youth to not only increase their knowledge of evaluating dairy cattle but also develop and hone valuable communication skills that will be useful for a lifetime. County 4-H teams compete at district dairy judging contests during regional Area Animal Science Days for the chance to attend the State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest. State winners in the senior division go on to represent Wisconsin at the All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg, PA, World Dairy Expo in Madison, WI, and the North American International Livestock Exposition in Louisville, KY.
Dog Program
State Dog Agility Show
The State Dog Agility Show includes competitions in agility for dogs and their people. The show is open to youth enrolled in the 4-H Dog Project. Participants must meet county requirements for participation. The first official Wisconsin 4-H agility show was held in 2008. Dogs of different levels of abilities and training welcome.
State Dog Obedience and Showmanship Show
State 4-H Dog Obedience and Showmanship Show includes competitions in obedience and showmanship for the dogs and a variety of other activities such as public speaking and demonstrations, art shows, and a Dog Quiz Bowl for their people. The show is open to youth enrolled in the 4-H Dog Project. Exhibitors and dogs must meet county requirements for participation.
Horse Program
State 4-H Gymkhana
Wisconsin State 4-H Gymkhana is an annual horse and pony competition for youth in grades 6th-13th featuring speed pattern racing events including: Cloverleaf Barrels, Flag Race, Plug Race, Pole Bending, LT Special, and Key Races. This event is a fun and challenging opportunity for 4-H Youth to showcase their skills and connect with other 4-H members from across the state.
State 4-H Horse Education Days, Horse Bowl, and Hipppology Contest
The 4-H Horse Education Days provides an opportunity for youth in grades 3-13 and enrolled in 4-H horse projects to demonstrate their knowledge of equine-related subject matter in a competitive setting. These contests provide an educational experience for both participants and spectators. Youth answer questions in teams of 3 or 4 members and compete against other teams in the same class. Senior class competitors also complete a written exam on their knowledge. These events consist of quiz-style questions about the following topics: Nutrition and Feed, Health and Diseases, History, Evolution and Breeds, Reproduction and Genetics, Anatomy, and Showmanship Basics.
State Horse Expo
The State 4-H Horse Expo is an annual event for all youth enrolled in the 4-H Horse Program and draws hundreds of youth and horses. Youth participate in a wide variety of educational project and riding competitions focused on horse experience. Educational projects include arts, creative writing, model horse, horse judging, and drawing – and more. Horse and Pony Show classes include: Draft, Driving, Walk Trot, Saddle Seat, Hunt, Western, Showmanship, and Trail Riding. See the class list for complete show bill.
State 4-H Horse Leader's Conference
The WI 4-H Horse Conference is an opportunity for youth to attend a number of rotating sessions on topics related to horses, developing leadership skills, and so much more. Workshop participants also benefit from talking with leaders from across the state to gain new ideas and insights into the 4-H Horse Program.
4-H Hunt & Dressage Show
The 4-H Hunt and Dressage Show is a 3-day clinic featuring a dressage clinics and show, over fences clinics and show, and flat and pleasure classes. Youth can attend educational clinics and showcase their skills in a variety of individual and group dressage classes.
Livestock Program
Area Animal Science Days
Area Animal Science Days is a series of day-long events held around the state in June where youth in the beef, dairy, horse, sheep, and swine projects increase their decision-making skills and knowledge of animals through judging and grading experiences. Events include dairy cattle evaluation; livestock (beef, sheep, swine, & meat goats) evaluation; oral reasons contests for senior members; and dairy showmanship contests. In addition, each site may offer a variety of workshops like poster and photography contests.
State Livestock Judging Contest
Teams that placed well at Area Animal Science Days are invited to the State Livestock Judging Contest. This contest usually occurs at the end of July and is the contest that selects our State winners for National Competition. The top senior teams have an opportunity to represent WI 4-H and compete at national level 4-H contests.
Meats Judging Contest
What is the 4-H Meats Judging Contest? Have you been to your local meat market or grocery store lately and think you could choose the best cut of meat out of the case? Have you ever watched a live animal contest and thought you could choose what animals would provide the best meat products? This is your opportunity to put those skills to work. This contest tests the knowledge of youth in the placement of carcass and retail cut classes, carcass grading, and retail cut identification. Top teams earn the opportunity to compete at regional and national competitions.
Livestock Quiz Bowl & Skillathon Contest
Competition in Quiz Bowl & Skillathon encourages members to develop a more complete knowledge of animals and related subjects. This contest provides an educational program for all project members, including those who may not own a project animal, and provides a way to develop self-confidence. These programs are a great parallel to some similar programs that breed associations and other organizations conduct.
Livestock Bowl is a quiz competition where all the questions are about beef, sheep, swine, and meat goat topics and students use a buzzer in order to answer the questions. Teams compete in a double elimination format by giving oral answers to questions posed by a moderator. Each match has both an individual and toss-up question round. The winning 4-H senior team will represent Wisconsin at the National 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl competition held each fall in Louisville at the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE).
Skillathon contest is made up of a written quiz and learning stations such as breed identification, feed identification, equipment identification as well as some team activities such as demonstrating evaluation skills. The top Senior level 4-H team will represent Wisconsin at the National 4-H Skillathon Contest, held each fall in Louisville at the North American International Livestock Exposition (NAILE).
Shooting Sports
Competitive Shoots
State Competitive Shoot events are open to 4-H members who are participating with the approval of their 4-H Shooting Sports certified instructor, currently enrolled in a 4-H Shooting Sports project, actively participating in 4-H Shooting Sports training or having successfully completed 4-H Shooting Sports training.
Advance Space Academy
Advanced Space Academy happens every other year and it explores college and career preparation through an immersive experience in science, technology, engineering and math. Trainees undergo a variety of astronaut training exercises, engineering challenges, and team building activities, all culminating in an extended duration simulated space mission. Activities include: high/low ropes course, simulators, Russian language lessons, SCUBA diving instruction, fighter jet simulators, advanced rocketry, and more! Youth who participate will earn one credit hour of freshman level general science from the University of Alabama in Huntsville in this college accredited program.
Space Camp*
Wisconsin 4-H Space Camp is an educational experience where youth from across the state take a bus down to Huntsville, Alabama, for a 4 day journey. Youth get the opportunity to venture away from home to meet new friends, develop leadership and teamwork skills, and experience the different aspects of life as an astronaut, working for NASA, and exploring places beyond Earth!
Citizenship Washington Focus
Citizenship Washington Focus, or CWF for short, is the premier week long 4-H citizenship and leadership experience. CWF brings 4-H delegations from all over the country to stay in Washington D.C., our Nation’s Capital! Participants learn about the roles of Senators and Representatives in the United States’ government and how these parts work together to form an effective Congress. Additionally, youth get to see and experience government in action by meeting with their State’s members of Congress and watching a House of Representatives meeting.
Fall Forum
Fall Forum is an opportunity for youth in grades 7-13 and adult leaders to attend the statewide training weekend with county and state staff. Planned by a team of youth and adult volunteers from the Wisconsin 4-H Leadership Council with the support of county and state staff, our hope is that 4-H youth and adult leaders will come together to connect, collaborate, celebrate, and continue building excitement and energy for a new year of 4-H learning.
National 4-H Conference
National 4-H Conference annually brings 4-H youth and adults from around the nation to work towards strengthening and expanding the 4-H Youth Development program at the local, state, and national levels. National 4-H Conference is the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture’s premier youth development opportunity to engage youth in developing recommendations for the 4-H Youth Development Program. The National 4-H Headquarters is charged with sharing the recommendations that emerge from the conference with the Secretary of Agriculture, National Extension Program Leaders, and others who determine 4-H programs. At the same time, the conference is a rich and meaningful experience for the youth and adult participants. Held at a Washington DC area hotel (Hyatt Regency in Arlington, VA), it’s usually scheduled around the beginning of April. In 2019, there were approximately 350 delegates, including seven from Wisconsin.
National 4-H Congress
National 4-H Congress is a five-day Educational Experience held in Atlanta, GA. Congress is the premiere nation-wide event for 4-Hers to network with others from around the country, Canada, and Puerto Rico. While at Congress, 4-Hers engage in leadership, citizenship, global awareness, and inclusion.
State Youth Leadership
Youth as Partners in Civic Leadership
The mission of the Youth as Partners in Civic Leadership Conference (YPCL) is to advance youth voice in Wisconsin by increasing the capacity for youth and adults to share civic leadership in local communities, schools and organizations. We advocate for a youth voice and build mentoring, networking and learning opportunities.
WI 4-H Leadership Council
The WI 4-H Leadership Council (WLC) provides a statewide forum for youth and adult volunteer leaders to discuss ideas and provide input to enhance UW-Madison Extension 4-H Youth Development programs at the state, county, and local levels.
*Waukesha County 4-H Leaders’ Association offers scholarships to assist Waukesha County 4-H youth in paying for trips through the Member Evaluation application process. Visit the Awards & Scholarships page for more information.
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Extension Waukesha County * University of Wisconsin-Madison
515 W Moreland Boulevard * Administration Center Room G22 * Waukesha, WI 53188
Office Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday * Phone: (262) 548-7770
Extension Waukesha County is located in the Administration Center of the Waukesha County Courthouse Complex. Enter through the main Courthouse doors. After going through security, take the corridor on the left to the the Administration Center. Take the elevators or stairs to the ground floor and go to room G22.