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4-H Clubs

Extension Waukesha County 4-H Clubs

The purpose of a 4-H Club is to provide positive youth development opportunities to meet the needs of young people. to experience belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity—the Essential Elements—and to foster educational opportunities tied to the University of Wisconsin Madison knowledge base. 4-H Club youth members build leadership skills, develop life skills, are given opportunities for civic engagement, meet new friends; and most importantly, have fun.
Within Extension Waukesha County 4-H and Youth Development, there are three types of 4-H Clubs. For more information about a particular Club, contact the 4-H Educator or Club leader to learn more about the Club.
4-H Community Clubs typically meet monthly in the evenings with meetings held in an inclusive community space. In most community clubs youth officers are elected to guide the activities of the club.
4-H Community Club List
4-Leaf 4-H Club Claire Kohlman 4leaf4Hwaukesha@gmail.com |
2nd Friday of the month – 6:30 pm (September – May) |
Waukesha |
Brookfield Blazers 4-H Club Gayle Nicoll brookfieldblazers4hclub@gmail.com |
1st Thursday of the month – 6:30 pm (September – June) |
Brookfield |
Center Oak 4-H Club Diane Cull dmcull@sbcglobal.net |
3rd Tuesday of the month – 6:30 pm | North Lake |
Cleveland Challengers 4-H Club Angela Jones angelaform@yahoo.com |
1st Tuesday of the month – 6:30 pm | New Berlin |
Clever Clovers 4-H Club Jon Anderson janderson@estrotect.com |
2nd Monday of the month – 6:30 pm (Except for October & April) |
Delafield |
Falls Busy Beavers 4-H Club Nicole Halama Olson nicolekhalama@gmail.com |
2nd Thursday of the month – 6:30 pm | Menomonee Falls |
Green N Growing 4-H Club Bess Philps greenngrowing4hclub@gmail.com |
2nd Tuesday of the month – 6:30 pm | Merton |
Moriah 4-H Club Kari Renn karirenn@sbcglobal.net |
2nd Monday of the month – 7:00 pm | Waukesha |
Ottawa 4-H Club Janis Carpenter jacarpenter1977@gmail.com |
3rd Monday of the month – 6:30 pm | Dousman |
Saylesville Sparks 4-H Club Wendy Booth boothhouse@yahoo.com |
4th Monday of the month – 7:00 pm | Waukesha |
Washington 4-H Club Barb Jones bjones@wi.rr.com |
2nd Monday of the month – 7:00 pm | Big Bend |
West Vernon 4-H Club Linda Forster c4ster@aol.com |
3rd Tuesday of the month – 6:30 pm | Mukwonago |
4-H Afterschool Clubs are offered to youth at the end of the school day. 4-H Afterschool Clubs are often divided by age groups and meet in the school which provides a safe and supportive environment for youth after school.
4-H Afterschool Club List
Hawthorne Afterschool 4-H Club | Hawthorne Elementary School | James M Boling, Jr. Youth and Family Educator james.boling@wisc.edu (262) 548-7784 |
Emerging Leaders 4-H Club | Les Paul Middle School | James M Boling, Jr. Youth and Family Educator james.boling@wisc.edu (262) 548-7784 |
4-H Classroom Clubs are offered during the school day to specific grade/s in partnership with the school. 4-H Classroom Clubs allow students to explore an interest area with support from an Extension Educator, 4-H youth or adult volunteer, or school staff over a period of days, weeks, or months.
4-H Classroom Club List
Nia: Pathways and Purpose for the Future 4-H Club | Waukesha North High School | James M Boling, Jr. Youth and Family Educator james.boling@wisc.edu (262) 548-7784 |
Nia: Pathways and Purpose for the Future 4-H Club | Waukesha West High School | James M Boling, Jr. Youth and Family Educator james.boling@wisc.edu (262) 548-7784 |
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Extension Waukesha County * University of Wisconsin-Madison
515 W Moreland Boulevard * Administration Center Room G22 * Waukesha, WI 53188
Office Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday * Phone: (262) 548-7770
Extension Waukesha County is located in the Administration Center of the Waukesha County Courthouse Complex. Enter through the main Courthouse doors. After going through security, take the corridor on the left to the the Administration Center. Take the elevators or stairs to the ground floor and go to room G22.